Email Cleaner is an app that provide you a platform where you can delete your all spam emails at just a single click. No matter how many email you have in your Gmail Inbox. Or It?s 100% free service for all.
How email cleaner is important for us?
We all know that every day we are creating many accounts in deferent websites. And we also knows that some of the websites are sell our email ids to other company. Then those company send us spam mails. In gmail we have option to unsubscribe those mails. But we don?t have permeation to delete those email in single click. Email Cleaner solve that problem for you. Just input sender email address and press the delete button server will delete all of your mails that receive from that sender.
E-mel Cleaner adalah sebuah aplikasi yang menyediakan anda satu platform di mana anda boleh memadam semua e-mel spam anda pada hanya satu klik. Tidak kira berapa banyak e-mel yang ada dalam Inbox Gmail anda. 100% perkhidmatan percuma atau Ia s untuk semua.
Bagaimana bersih e-mel adalah penting untuk kita?
Kita semua tahu bahawa setiap hari kita mewujudkan banyak akaun di laman web deferent. Dan kita juga tahu bahawa beberapa laman web yang menjual id e-mel kami untuk syarikat lain. Kemudian syarikat yang menghantar mel spam. Dalam gmail kita mempunyai pilihan untuk berhenti melanggan mereka mel. Tetapi kita memakai t mempunyai penyerapan untuk memadamkan e-mel dalam satu klik. E-mel Cleaner menyelesaikan masalah itu untuk anda. Hanya masukkan alamat e-mel penghantar dan tekan pelayan butang padam akan memadamkan semua mel anda yang menerima daripada pengirim itu.
Email Cleaner is an app that provide you a platform where you can delete your all spam emails at just a single click. No matter how many email you have in your Gmail Inbox. Or It?s 100% free service for all.
How email cleaner is important for us?
We all know that every day we are creating many accounts in deferent websites. And we also knows that some of the websites are sell our email ids to other company. Then those company send us spam mails. In gmail we have option to unsubscribe those mails. But we don?t have permeation to delete those email in single click. Email Cleaner solve that problem for you. Just input sender email address and press the delete button server will delete all of your mails that receive from that sender.